Some clients that we have served in the past.
This is just a few of the many we have worked with.
In most every part of the nation, and for a wide range of clients, Hill Research has proven time and again that it can get the answers that are needed. Who? What? Why? We can get answers.
Since 1988, Hill Research has proven its worth in more than 40 states, conducting more than 2,000 studies of attitudes, opinions, and beliefs. These studies have provided our clients with a foundation for success in shaping and managing public affairs, marketing and crisis management. For example, Hill has worked with a wide array of Florida advocates, providing research and strategy that has resulted in voter approval of nine amendments to that state’s constitution the most recent in 2018.
In 2019, Texas voters approved an amendment to their state constitution following a campaign based on messages developed from almost two decades of parks research conducted by Hill. The measure dedicated hundreds of millions of dollars from sporting goods sales taxes to fund the cash-strappedpark system.
In Colorado, HRC has polled for 22 successful statewide ballot measure campaigns since 1994, losing only twice during that 27-year period.
At the local level, from Alaska to Florida and New York to Arizona, Hill has advised hundreds of successful campaigns to secure voter approval for local funding for schools, roads, parks, libraries, jails, and economic development. The graphic look and feel of today’s United Airlines, its planes and gates, was the result of years of qualitative and quantitative research undertaken by Hill.
Lead by trained and seasoned researchers, Hill knows what it’s doing when exploring public sentiment. And that’s more important than ever as public opinion research faces mounting challenges. Americans increasingly shy away from giving interviews and double down on strategies to protect their privacy. Led by two Ph.D.-level researchers – Drs. David B. Hill and Stephen N. White—Hill knows how to cope with these trends successfully.
They carefully design and oversee each aspect of every study, from sampling to interviewing, and number crunching to reporting. And Hill researchers don’t just deliver the raw numbers. They bring to bear the informed insights and reasoned judgment borne of decades of strategic research to uncover hidden patterns in data and craft actionable recommendations for solving clients’ problems, advancing brands, developing and targeting messages, and winning the day in every way.
David Hill, a former faculty member at Texas A&M University, received his Ph.D. from Florida State University and did post-doctoral study at the University of Michigan’s Survey Research Center. He has been an invited lecturer at the University of Florida and Stanford University, and in 2020 was appointed a Fellow in the Center for the Political Future at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Dr. Stephen White, received his Ph.D. in economics from Texas A&M University in 1985, and has continued to work with Dr. Hill ever since. Dr. White is responsible for sample design and acquisition as well as data analysis. He has pioneered numerous proprietary analytical techniques and has successful developed numerous innovative visual approaches to presenting complex data and research results.
This is just a few of the many we have worked with.